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Introduction To SMARTheating Zones

A SMARTheating Zone is an area within the Floorplan that defines the behaviour of one or more heating outputs.

Key Points About SMARTheating Zones

  • Several rooms may form part of the same Heating Zone.
  • A SMARTheating Zone is defined via the Channel Setup Wizard.
  • The Auto Discover wizard leads on to the Channel Setup Wizard, meaning that a SMARTheating Zone can be set up at the same time that a device is being detected and configured.

SMARTheating Zone Info Panel

Once created, a SMARTheating Zone's settings can be viewed and controlled on the Temperature Layer. Basic settings can be viewed and altered in the Info Panel, which is shown in the bottom-left corner of the Temperature Layer.

Below is a guide to the components that make up the Temperature Layer's Info Panel.

Current Zone Dropdown menu showing the currently selected Heating Zone.
Zone Temperature The current temperature of the selected Heating Zone. The value shown may depend on whether Temperature Averaging is ticked (see SMARTheating Zone Properties).
Zone Setpoint The desired temperature of the selected Heating Zone, as defined in the Schedule that controls the SMARTheating Zone.
Zone Status A SMARTheating Zone can have one of the following Zone Statuses:

Off: when the Zone Temperature is above the Zone Setpoint. Heating outputs assigned to the currently selected SMARTheating Zone are off (i.e., WEMScontroller relays are not activated).

On: when the Zone Temperature is below the Zone Setpoint. Heating outputs assigned to the currently selected SMARTheating Zone are on (i.e., WEMScontroller relays are activated).

Configuring Advanced SMARTheating Zone Settings

To view and configure advanced settings for the currently selected SMARTheating Zone, click the Zone Properties button.

Deadband-controlled Zones

For information on how Zones can be controlled when using Time vs On/Off Schedules, see Deadband-controlled Zones.

WEMS User Guide version 4.0 20150130.
This guide relates to features up to and including