You are here: Using The System > Channel Setup Wizard > Modular controller

Channel Setup Wizard: Modular controller

This example shows how to use the Channel Setup Wizard to configure a modular controller.

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  1. Launch the Channel Setup Wizard, either by clicking the Yes button at the end of the Auto Discover Wizard or by clicking the Run Wizard button in the Modules Layer.

The Channel Setup Wizard can be used only after a device has first been detected. For a guide on how to detect the modular controller, see Auto Discover modular controller.

  1. In the example of a modular controller that will be configured with one heating output, choose the channel type as Relay (Digital Out) and the channel number as 1, and then click Next.

The Channel Setup Wizard – choose the channel type and channel number

  1. Choose the category for the device, and then click Next.

Choose a category

  1. Choose the Closedtype of output that will be controlled by the controller, and then click Next.
  2. The option selected will not affect the operation of either the controller or of the output itself – this simply determines the appearance of the output on the Floorplan.

Select the type of output that will appear on the Temperature Layer of the Floorplan

  1. Choose the Closedtype of relay that will control the output, and then click Next.
    • Toggle Relay: (default) used for outputs that have a straightforward on/off control
    • Pulse Relay: used to control outputs that respond to pulses of information
    • Delay Off Relay: used to trigger a countdown before the instruction to turn off the relay takes effect (e.g. to stop lights turning off immediately after an alarm has been set).

Choose the type of relay

  1. Select an option for what should happen in a failure state, and then click Next.

Choose the mode of operation

  1. Choose settings for the Fire Active strategy, and then click Next.

The Select to include … tickbox must be ticked in order for this on/off setting to work. Note that the box is unticked by default.

Choose what should happen in Fire Active mode

  1. Choose settings for the Security Set strategy, and then click Next.

The Select to include … tickbox must be ticked in order for this on/off setting to work. Note that the box is unticked by default.

Choose what should happen in Security Set mode

  1. Choose settings for the Security Active strategy, and then click Next.

The Select to include … tickbox must be ticked in order for this on/off setting to work. Note that the box is unticked by default.

Choose what should happen in Security Active mode

  1. Now choose the location of the output, and then click Next.

Choose the location of the output

  1. The wizard will now display a confirmation of the chosen options. Click Next to continue.

A summary of the options chosen

  1. You will now be prompted to create a SMARTheating Zone, so click Next to continue.

Begin the SMARTheating Zone wizard

  1. Choose the type of SMARTheating Zone control, and then click Next. For information on the Deadband option, see Deadband-controlled Zones.

Select a type of SMARTheating Zone control

  1. Select the areas that should form part of the new SMARTheating Zone, and then click Next.

Choose the areas that will form the new SMARTheating Zone

  1. Enter a meaningful name for the new SMARTheating Zone, and then click Next.

Choose a name for the new SMARTheating Zone

If the device has any channels that have not yet been configured, you will be given the option to re-run the wizard in order to configure those channels. You may either run the wizard again now or return to it at a later stage, via the Run Wizard button in the Modules Layer.

Final screen of the Channel Setup Wizard

WEMS User Guide version 4.0 20150130.
This guide relates to features up to and including