You are here: Using The System > Rako > Rako Schedules

Rako Schedules

Rako devices cannot be assigned to a SMARTlighting Zone; however, it is possible to assign a Schedule to a Rako Object, to allow switching between lighting scenes at different times of day. This method does not offer any light-level control – it is simply a way of switching between pre-programmed settings on the Rako device.

Assigning A Schedule To A Rako Object

Before a Schedule can be assigned, make sure that the RakoSerial interface has been connected to the WEMSprogrammer and that the Rako Discover wizard has been run.

  1. Go to Edit | Schedule Settings.
  2. Choose Lighting from the menu in the top-left corner.
  3. Click the arrow to the left or right of the Zones heading, in order to choose the type of Object. In this case, select Mood Lights.
  4. Click Create New.
  5. Enter a meaningful name for the new Schedule.

Creating a Rako Schedule

Creating a Rako Schedule

  1. Click Submit.
  2. Click Insert to add a new block to the Schedule graph.
  3. Choose the desired scene by dragging the block up and down (the Off position is at the bottom and scene 4 is at the top).

Creating a Rako Schedule

Creating a Rako Schedule

  1. Click Insert to add further blocks to the graph and choose the desired scenes as appropriate.
  2. Tick the box for the Rako in the Object column (e.g. Mood Lights).
  3. Click Home to confirm the creation of the Schedule.

WEMS User Guide version 4.0 20150130.
This guide relates to features up to and including