You are here: Using The System > Menu Navigation > Discovery > Rako Discover

Rako Discover

Before using the Rako Discover Wizard, a RakoSerial interface must be connected to one of the WEMSprogrammer's serial ports.

To run the Rako Discover Wizard, do the following:

  1. Go to Discovery | Rako Discover.
  2. Select a house number and room number, and then click Next.

Rako Discover Wizard

  1. Choose an Object type, and then click Next.

Rako Discover Wizard

  1. Select whether the Object should be part of a Fire Active strategy, and then click Next.

Rako Discover Wizard

  1. Select whether the Object should be part of a Security Set strategy, and then click Next.

Rako Discover Wizard

  1. Select whether the Object should be part of a Security Active strategy, and then click Next.

Rako Discover Wizard

  1. Choose a location for the Object, and then click Next.

Rako Discover Wizard

  1. Click Next to the confirmation message.

Rako Discover Wizard

  1. Click Finish to exit the Wizard.

Rako Discover Wizard

The new Rako Object is shown on the Floorplan (see example below). Switching between lighting scenes is simply a case of selecting the Object and then clicking the relevant buttons in the Info Panel on the left-hand side of the screen.

Rako device

A Rako-controlled device shown in the Lighting Layer

It is also possible to assign a Schedule to a Rako Object, although this will only allow switching between pre-programmed lighting levels. For more information, see Rako Schedules.

WEMS User Guide version 4.0 20150130.
This guide relates to features up to and including