You are here: Using The System > Incident Management > AHU-specific Incident Management Tickets

AHU-specific Incident Management Tickets

To create a new AHU-specific Incident Management Ticket:

  1. Go to the Temperature Layer of the Floorplan and click the AHU to which the ticket will be assigned.
  2. Click the Incident Management icon in the bottom-left corner of the AHU Control Screen.

Creating a new AHU ticket

  1. Click New Ticket.

Creating a new AHU ticket

  1. Enter details about the problem by selecting the Open User (the user creating the ticket), the Open Reason and specifying Open Notes to describe the issue.
  2. Click Open Ticket.

Creating a new AHU ticket

  1. The view will return to the list of open and closed tickets. Open tickets are marked in pink and closed tickets are marked in green.
  2. Click an open ticket to review details about the ticket.

Open and closed AHU tickets

  1. To end the review of the ticket, click Minimise.
  2. If the ticket is resolved, click Close Ticket.

Closing an AHU ticket

  1. Select the Closing User, a Closing Reason, and enter Closing Notes.
  2. Click Close Ticket again.

Closing an AHU ticket

  1. The view will return to the list of tickets.

Closing an AHU ticket

To see other types of tickets, see the Incident Management section.

WEMS User Guide version 4.0 20150130.
This guide relates to features up to and including