You are here: Using The System > FP AHU > FP AHU Control Status

FP AHU Control Status

Below is a list of operational statuses that can apply to an FP AHU. The current status of an FP AHU can be viewed in the top-left corner of the diagram on the FP AHU Control Screen.

FP AHU status and reference temperature

Normal operating statuses are listed below followed by fail-safe operating statuses.

Normal Operation
Status Description
AHU_FAILON_MANUAL AHU in WEMS fail-safe mode. No WEMS control is applied
AHU_INIT Transition state after removal of fail-safe mode
AHU_ALL_OFF AHU off and alarms disabled
AHU_LOWSPEED AHU enabled with fan at slow speed (if Fan Speed Control exists)
AHU_FULLSPEED AHU enabled with fan at full speed
AHU_FULLSPEED_DX AHU enabled with fan at full speed and DX (mechanical) cooling enabled
AHU_FULLSPEED_TEMP_DIFF AHU enabled with at fan full speed. Force fresh air cooling due to difference between outside air and room air temperature being greater than the Temp Diff Setpoint
Fail-safe Modes
Status Description
AHU_FAILON_MIN_OUT_AIR Outside air is below the minimum value
AHU_FAILON_MAX_OUT_AIR Outside air is above the maximum value
AHU_FAILON_TEMP_REF_MAX Maximum Zone reference temperature exceeded
AHU_FAILON_TEMP_REF System cannot evaluate a valid reference temperature

WEMS User Guide version 4.0 20150130.
This guide relates to features up to and including