You are here: Using The System > Creating A Floorplan

Creating A Floorplan

To set up a WEMS system, you must create a Floorplan. This defines the floors and rooms that make up the property. The Floorplan is essential in order to define the relationships between the WEMS equipment and the other controllable devices/outputs in the property.

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  1. To begin, Launch The WEMS User Interface.

If a Floorplan has not been created already, you will be prompted to create one through the first-time setup wizard, which is shown below.

  1. Click Continue to begin the first-run wizard.

You will now be presented with the Define Your Property screen.

  1. Enter names in the Building, Location and Region text fields. The values entered will later be presented along the top of the user interface, in order to confirm which property is being viewed. All three values can be changed after the Floorplan has been created.
  2. Select options from the ClosedChoose Level… and ClosedChoose Room… dropdown menus. Select the largest room on the Floor first.
  3. These are the options in the Choose Room… dropdown menu. Note that rooms can be renamed, so it doesn't matter if the options below do not match with the room name you wish to use. If you do rename any rooms, make sure that each room has a unique name.

    • Plant Room
    • Entrance
    • Hall
    • Reception
    • Study
    • Office
    • Dining Room
    • Living Room
    • Kitchen
    • Dining Kitchen
    • Utility Room
    • Swimming Pool
    • Gym
    • Wine Cellar
    • Cinema
    • Garage
    • Master Bedroom
    • Bedroom
    • Main Bedroom
    • En-Suite
    • Conservatory
    • Bar
    • Restaurant
    • Decking
    • Pathway(s)
    • Driveway
    • Pond
    • Landing
    • HWS Cabinet
    • Bathroom
    • Terrace
    • Play Area

    These are the options in the Choose Level… dropdown menu. Note that levels can be renamed, so it doesn't matter if the options below do not match with the level name you wish to use.

    • Basement
    • Downstairs
    • Upstairs
    • Loft
    • Third Floor
    • Fourth Floor
    • Fifth Floor

All new rooms 'float' on top of the other rooms on the Floor. Create the largest room on the Floor first. Create the smallest room on the Floor last.

  1. Click the Edit button in the left-hand panel and then click Add Room (greyed out until the Edit button is clicked).

A new room will appear on the grid.

Delete, Rename, Move Or Resize A Room

To rename the Floor, click the Edit button beneath the grid, type a new name and then click Save.

Delete, rename, move or resize

Adding More Rooms And More Floors

Once you have created and positioned the room as required, you can go on to create additional rooms. Clicking the Add Room button creates a new room with the same name as the previous one, with a number suffixed to distinguish the rooms, e.g. Entrance 2, Entrance 3. These additional rooms can be renamed as shown above, but remember to use unique names for each room.

Alternatively, choose a different room name from the Choose Room… dropdown menu and then click Add Room in order for a room with that name to be added to the current Floor.

As soon as the Floor has been populated with all of the rooms it contains, you can move on to creating the rooms on the other Floors of the property (assuming that there is more than one Floor).

Select an appropriate Floor from the Choose Floor… dropdown menu (the grid will go blank as the new, empty Floor is shown) and then click Add Room to create a new room on the new Floor.

The process of creating rooms on each Floor of the property can now be repeated until all rooms and all Floors have been defined.

Setting The Location Of The WEMSprogrammer

Once all rooms and all floors have been defined, you need to specify the location of the WEMSprogrammer.

  1. Click the Programmer button in the left-hand panel.
  2. From the dropdown menu choose the location of the WEMSprogrammer, and then click Save.

The Floorplan is now complete. Click the Home button in the bottom-left corner to close the Define Your Property page and return to the main user interface.

Floorplan shown in main user interface

Room Notes

Notes can be added for each room on the Floorplan. From the main user interface, click the name of any room, write a note, and then click Update.

Adding notes to a room

Next Steps

With the Floorplan complete, you can begin to populate it with WEMS controllers, sensors and outputs.

For more information, see Building A System.

WEMS User Guide version 4.0 20150130.
This guide relates to features up to and including