You are here: Using The System > Menu Navigation > Tools > Logging


This feature is a useful way of looking at the WEMS system's activity history, in order to understand trends and to look for ways to improve efficiency.

To view the system logs:

  1. Go to Tools | Logging.

A new browser window will open with options to view several different types of logs.


The Logging window in its default 'graph' mode

  1. Use the dropdown menu in the top-left corner to select the Closedtype of log you would like to view.
  2. Zone Logging Shows Zone activity
    Analog Logging Shows activity of analog inputs
    Digital Logging Shows activity of digital outputs
    Lighting Log Shows the light level and activity of a given SMARTlighting Zone
    Analog Output Log Shows activity of analog outputs
    Relay Log Shows the activity of relays
    Fuel Logging Shows the amount of fuel used throughout the day
    Power Logging Shows the amount of power used throughout the day
    FP AHU Log Shows the activity of an FP AHU
    Battery Log Shows battery voltage values
  3. Use the arrow buttons to choose the date of the logs you would like to view (the default will be today's date).
  4. Depending on the type of log being viewed, you will either need to select a Zone option from a dropdown menu or tick boxes to choose from a list of Objects (see images to the right).
  5. Click Get Results.

A graph of the logs will now be displayed. Temperature logs are now shown to values as low as −39.9°C.


The Logging window showing Object selection tick boxes

Viewing Logs As Text

By default, the log will be displayed in the main part of the screen in the form of a graph. If you wish to view the data as text, click View As Text in the bottom-right corner. Click View As Graph to revert to the previous view.


The Logging window in its alternative 'text' mode

Viewing the logs in 'text' mode can be useful should you ever need to keep a separate summary of activity. In 'text' mode the logged data is easy to copy and paste into a document or email.

WEMS User Guide version 4.0 20150130.
This guide relates to features up to and including